Native American Double Bowl Stone Pipe
Native American Double Bowl Stone Pipe
Rare Double Bowel Stone Pipe was found in the Ohio Country of western Virginia is a ceremonial pipe used by Native Americans as a tribute to sacred animate powers of the universe, embodying the honor of the one who possessed it. It was use in prayer offerings and ceremonial commitments, and soul-keeping. Quoting a Sioux Medicine Man; “The Pipe is us! The stem is our backbone, the first bowl is my head, the second bowl is the ‘Great Spirit’. As the smoke from the pipe rises to the sky, thoughts and prayers will be heard by the Creator. Peace, order, and good thin.
Beautiful Condition: 5 1/4″ ex Jim Dressler / From Margie and Gordon Barlow Collection – See Page 69 – “Virginia in the Revolutionary War” by Margie and Gordon Barlow
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