An American Revolutionary War Fusil stocked in cherry and made with a French barrel, lock and hardware. The lock has Tulle marking (A TVLLE). This fusil was carried by militiaman John Patterson from Greenbrier County and may date to the French and Indian War era. Nice even patina that would be a prize possession of a militiaman serving on the Virginia Frontier during the Revolutionary War.
In 1777 John Patterson entered the service of his country – and served against the Indians. That he was living in Augusta County Virginia in that part that is now the county of Greenbrier. – That owing to the depredations committed by the Indians on the Inhabitants along the new settlements in Western Virginia the people were compelled to erect and garrison at forts for their protection. For this purpose, in 1777 and 1778 he volunteered under the command of Captain William Hamilton [pension application R4513] on Meadow River.
On the first of April in the year 1780 he entered the service under Capt Hamilton and served until the first of September of the same year – and was stationed as before in Hamilton’s Garrison with William Morris, Thos. Upton, and James Strond and had several encounters with Indians. About the first of February 1781 he was drafted for six months in Captain Wm Hamilton’s Company to serve against the Indians at Fort Burnside and then to Fort Chiswell in the County of Montgomery where he was attached to the company of Captain John Henderson Company to guard the Tories there and was sometimes told that they was to be marched against some Tories that was stationed up the New River – at one time it was said that they were to be attacked by the Tories and they went in camp prepared for the engagement – but no engagement took place. He returned home after 5 months. In the spring of 1782, he volunteered and served on spying parties and in Hamilton’s Garrison until October under the command of Capt William Hamilton until he was discharge.
Hard to find these original Revolutionary War muskets especially with the 250th anniversary celebration of the American Revolutionary War only a couple of years away.
From Margie and Gordon Barlow Collection – See – “Virginia in the Revolutionary War” by Margie and Gordon Barlow
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