Sold Revolutionary War Fusil – Simpson

Sold Revolutionary War Fusil – Simpson

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Sold William Simpson Revolutionary War Fusil

18th century American stocked fusil descended through the William Simpson Family, Augusta County (Bath County after 1790), Virginia. William an Augusta County Militia soldier in the Revolutionary War. He was the brother of Alexander Simpson that was a gunsmith that worked in Augusta County and at the Augusta County Gun Factory in Staunton, Virginia.  This wonderful Revolutionary War Fusil was made using British and French parts. ‘TG’ brand on the barrel is Thomas Green, c 1720 with British Proof. The lock is a French Tulle Fusil de Chase  flintlock with A. TVLLE marking. French influence for style of comb with a French Tulle Fusil de Chase butt plate, side plate. and trigger guard. The ramrod pipes are gunsmith made.

Great Revolutionary War Fusil.

Hard to find these original Revolutionary War muskets especially with the 250th anniversary celebration of the American Revolutionary War only a couple of years away.

William Simpson

Virginia Augusta County Militia Revolutionary War  Pension Application

State of Virginia Augusta County, VA

Be it known that on this 11th day of June 1843 the subscriber a Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Augusta aforesaid personally appeared, aged seventy-nine years, and made oath in due form of law; that he was well acquainted with William Simpson, who intermarried with Ann Renick; and he does well know that the said William Simpson, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, that he belonged to Captain John Gillison’s Company, 10th Virginia Regiment, on Continental Services and General Muhlenberg or Woodford’s Brigade at the Battle of Great Bridge, that he affiant was a soldier in the service. The same time, and belonged first to Captain John Mounjoy’s [John Mountjoy’s] Company and was afterwards under the command of several different Captains, of the same Regiment, and same Brigade, for he affiant found him in the Army when he joined it at the Valley Forge in the winter of 1777 or 1778; with him the said William Simpson; that whilst in the service he frequently saw the said Simpson, and he is certain that they served together for more than two years, in the same Regiment, and he has no doubt and he does believe that said Simpson enlisted for and served for more years in the Southern Campaign and at the British surrender at Yorktown.

From Margie and Gordon Barlow Collection  – See – “Virginia in the Revolutionary War” by Margie and Gordon Barlow


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